4 min readDec 6, 2021


Live Vaults:

  1. LP TRAVA/BNB 4-month locked vault: available TVL ~ $204,000 (On BSC)
  • Max lock limit: $250,000
  • Vault closing date: when reaching max lock limit.
  • Current APR ~ 152%
  • Locking Period: 10th Nov 2021–10th Mar 2022
  • Stakers will also be able to choose an accelerated plan. After 2 months, from 10th November 2021 to 9th January 2022, stakers can withdraw at any time and claim 15% of their pending rewards and have the rest (85%) burned immediately. Stakers can claim 100% rewards at the end date of 10th March 2022.

2. rTRAVA 4-month locked vault: available TVL ~ 21.7M rTRAVA (On BSC)

  • Max lock limit: 25M rTRAVA
  • Vault closing date: when reaching max lock limit.
  • Current APR ~ 87%
  • Locking Period: 10th Nov 2021–10th Mar 2022
  • Stakers will also be able to choose an accelerated plan. After 2 months, from 10th November 2021 to 9th January 2022, stakers can withdraw at any time and claim 15% of their pending rewards and have the rest (85%) burned immediately. Stakers can claim 100% rewards at the end date of 10th March 2022.

3. rTRAVA vault with no locking period (On BSC)

  • No max lock limit
  • No locking period
  • Current APR: 20.86%

4. LP TRAVA/BNB vault with no locking period (On BSC)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APR: 14.01%
  • No locking period

5. ORAI vault (On BSC)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APR: 5.52%
  • No locking period

6. rTRAVA vault with no locking period (On Fantom Network)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APR: 41.85%
  • No locking period
  • Stakers receive 50% of profits gained from Trava Lending Pool on Fantom Network

7. TRAVA vault with no locking period (On Fantom Network)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APR: 21.88%
  • No locking period

8. LP TRAVA/FTM vault with no locking period (On Fantom Network)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APR: 87.62%
  • No locking period

9. TRAVA auto-compounding vault with no locking period (On Ethereum Network)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APY ~ 24,182%
  • No locking period
  • For bonds holders only

10. TRAVA vault with no locking period (On Ethereum Network)

  • No max lock limit
  • Current APR ~ 210.41%
  • No locking period

Closed vaults:

  1. LP TRAVA/BNB pair 9-month locked vault (On BSC)
  • Start Date: Aug 10th 2021
  • End Date: May 10th 2022
  • Current APR ~ 887 %

2. TRAVA 8-month locked vault (On BSC)

  • Max earn limit: 30M $TRAVA
  • Max lock limit: 18M in $TRAVA
  • APR ~ 250%
  • Locking Period: 16th Aug 2021–16th Apr 2022
  • Stakers will also be able to choose an accelerated plan. After 4 months, from 16th December 2021 to 15th April 2022, stakers can withdraw at any time and claim 15% of their pending rewards and have the rest (85%) burned immediately. Stakers can claim 100% rewards at the end date of 16th April 2022.

3. TRAVA 4-month locked vault (On BSC)

  • Max earn limit: 15M in $TRAVA
  • Max lock limit: 36M in $TRAVA
  • APR ~ 125%
  • Locking Period: 16th Aug 2021–16th Dec 2021
  • Stakers will also be able to choose an accelerated plan. After 2 months, from 16th October to 15th December, stakers can withdraw at any time and claim 15% of their pending rewards and have the rest (85%) burned immediately. Stakers can claim 100% rewards at the end date of 16th December 2021.

Ended Vault: (APR = 0%)

  1. TRAVA vault (Deployed on BSC, rewards on Fantom Network)
  • Max lock limit: 70M $TRAVA
  • Max earn limit: 2M $TRAVA
  • Rewards in $TRAVA on Fantom Network

2. rTRAVA vault (Deployed on BSC, rewards on Fantom Network)

  • Max earn limit: 500,000 $TRAVA
  • Rewards in $TRAVA on Fantom Network

3. TRAVA/BNB pair 3-month locked vault (On BSC)

  • End Date: Nov 10th 2021

4. rTRAVA vault 2-month locked vault

  • Max lock limit: 7.5M rTRAVA
  • Max earn limit: 15M $TRAVA
  • Rewards in $TRAVA

5. BNB vault

6. BUSD vault


Trava.Finance is the world’s first decentralized marketplace for cross-chain lending.

While existing approaches provide only one or a few lending pools with their own parameters such as borrow/supply interest rate, liquidation threshold, Loan-to-Value ratio, or a limited list of exchangeable cryptocurrencies, TRAVA offers a flexible mechanism in which users can create and manage their own lending pools to start a lending business.

Based on the Knowledge Graph, Trava performs blockchain data analysis to enhance user experience, increase profit and decrease risks for all users. Credit Score Evaluation is the first analysis that Trava.Finance focuses on and deploys.

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TRAVA offers a flexible mechanism allowing users to create and manage their own lending pools. More details at: